Malvern College - Pastoral Bulletin - October 2018
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Welcome to the first Pastoral Bulletin of the academic year. The aim of the Pastoral Bulletin is to engage with parents and to keep you informed of the work of the Pastoral Team at Malvern College and what we are doing to support our pupils and to help them to thrive.
Pastoral Conference on Mental Health & Wellbeing
On Friday 21st September Malvern College hosted a very successful Pastoral Conference on Mental Health and Wellbeing for teachers and pupils from twelve independent and state schools in the region. Highly informative talks and workshops were provided by the ‘Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families’. An excellent presentation was given by our pupils Delphine de Bokay and Egor Kovrizhnykh from the Malvern College ‘Pupil Thrive Team’. The Anna Freud Centre has recently released the We all have mental health animation which can be seen on their website. The conference was organised by Mr Tom Newman who now runs the mental health course as part of the school’s Life
Skills programme.
Day Pupil Boarding - Reminder
Please may I remind parents of day pupils that if you need your child to board, please check with your HouseM whether or not this is feasible for the dates required and associated charges which may apply.
Help and advice for families in a digital world
We would like to draw your attention to a link on our website giving help and advice for families in a digital world. Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations. The link can be found by going onto the Malvern College Website, selecting Parents and then clicking on Parent Info:
Thrive at Twitter
I would also like to draw your attention to our Thrive at Malvern Twitter page which is designed to provide tools and information to parents and pupils with advice on mental health, promote the Malvern College qualities as well as further information on College news:
You are always warmly encouraged to contact any member of our Pastoral team:
Lewis Faulkner | Deputy Head: Pastoral
Penny Bijl | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Tom Newman | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)
Vanessa Young | E-safety officer
Barbara Swart | Head of Lower School
David Reid | Head of Sixth Form
Adam Wharton | Acting Chaplain
Melanie Tillman | Nurse Manager
Alternatively please contact your child’s Housemaster/Housemistress or Tutor
Lewis Faulkner | Deputy Head Pastoral | 01684 581691
