Page 103 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
P. 103

20 Funds
Restricted funds
The Downs Malvern Restricted donations Restricted grants Abberley Hall
Unrestricted income funds
Designated fund College fund Abberley Hall
Trading companies
Total General funds
(excluding Designated fund)
Total Group
unrestricted funds
Total funds
At 1 August 2022
£ - 110 276 31 515 3 787
145 578
1 550 334 17 470 858 2 2 678 812 289 361
20 439 031
21 989 365
134 943
Income £ 5
188 766 294 288 - 1 760
484 814
- 27 435 175 2 641 880 4 099 292
34 34 176 347
34 34 176 347
39 661 161
Expenditure £ - (245 235) - (536)
(245 771)
- (30 178 380) (4 066 964) (1 658 741)
(35 904 085)
(35 904 085)
(36 149 856)
Transfers other recognised gains/losses £ - - - - - 434 004 2 519 941 (15 613) (2 469 091)
35 237
469 241
469 241
At 31 July 2023
£ 5
188 766 159 329 31 515 5
384 621
1 984 338 17 247 594 1 1 1 238 115 260 821
18 746 530
20 730 868
26 115 489
In reference to the below left ‘ Funds’ table: Transfers –
Trading Company –
The profit before tax o of Malvern College International Limited Limited Malvern College Enterprises Limited Limited and College Guardians Limited Further details are noted below College fund –
The transfer relates to the trading companies
transfer The positive SWAP movement for the the period of £469 241
is also included within the the College funds
transfer column Restricted funds
The The Downs Malvern –
The The balance was created on the introduction of the net assets from The Downs Malvern (TDM) on 1 November 2022
As the objects of TDM are limited to prep school activities these funds
are restricted Restricted donations –
The balance is represented by donations not yet spent which have specific restrictions imposed by donors the majority of which relates to donations for the hardship fund and some smaller fixed asset purchases Restricted grants grants –
The balance is represented by grants grants not yet spent which have specific restrictions imposed by the donors for example prize funds
Designated Fund –
The Designated Fund has historically represented 10% of net income to to provide funds
to to help fund fund bursaries and infrastructure projects over a a a a ten year time span The College Council have agreed that going forward 25% of the Gift Aid payment received from MCIL would be allocated to to the designated fund in order to to build a a a fund for supporting means-tested bursaries in in the future MALVERN COLLEGE (INCORPORATED UNDER ROYAL CHARTER)

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