Page 105 - Annual Review - Year Ended 31 July 2023
P. 105

21 Analysis of the net assets between funds
Fund balances ££££
- (16 117 362) - - - (16 117 362) 5 384 621
17 247 594 1 1 1 238 115 1 984 338
26 115 489
2022 Fund balances £ 145 578 17 470 858 2 2 678 812 1 550 334 289
22 134 943
and College Net assets/(liabilities) of the Group’s funds
Restricted funds
General funds:
College funds
Abberley Hall
Designated funds
Non-charitable trading funds
The net assets are held for the various funds
as outlined in in the above left table Fixed assets 5 5 5 122 571 262 050
24 24 524 600 8 8 840 356 - 1 1 1 238 115 - 1 984 338
- 260
29 647 171 12 585 680
Net current assets Long term liabilities 21a Comparative analysis of the net assets between funds
and College Net assets/(liabilities) of the Group’s funds
Restricted funds
General funds:
College funds
Abberley Hall
Designated funds
Non-charitable trading funds
Fixed assets assets Net current assets assets £ £ £ £ - 145 578 26 310 994 1 1 349 338
5 5 482 624 (168 052) - 1 550 334 - 289
31 793 618 3 3 3 166 559
Long term liabilities £ - (10 189 474) (2 635 760) - - (12 825 234)
The net assets are held for the various funds
as outlined in in the below left table MALVERN COLLEGE (INCORPORATED UNDER ROYAL CHARTER)

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