Page 11 - MFM Induction Handbook
P. 11

Cleaning Services
Damp Dusting
Damp dusting is used to make sure that dust is not allowed to escape into the air when it is removed from a surface. The damp cloth traps the dust, making it easier to be removed.
Assemble equipment: Correct colour cloth - damp dusting bucket, gloves, chemical.
 Fill bucket with 1 litre water and chemical – following the instructions on the chemical ( if you have di culty reading please advise your line manager).
 Put on disposable gloves when you get to the area you are going to clean.
 Damp Wiping: Using a damp cloth with water or sprayed with cleaning solution and wrung almost dry, wipe surface ensuring to cover all the area and edges.
 Start at the highest point working to lowest point or dirtiest to cleanest area.
 Remove dust from the corners and edges Do not  ick dust or your duster.
 Rinse the cloth as necessary in clean solution and wring out until almost dry.
 If a surface looks wet, then dry it with a dry cloth.
 Remove gloves and wash your hands.
 Return equipment to the cleaning cupboard, ensuring
it’s clean and safely stored.
Wet Mopping
Wet mopping is used on hard  oors where there is a need to decontaminated or communal area that needs regular cleaning for both hygiene reasons as well as appearance.
Communal, wash rooms, kitchens and heavily used areas - use the method below but using the correct coloured mop and bucket
Assemble equipment: Blue bucket, blue mop handle, clean mop head, chemical, hazard sign, clear bag and disposable gloves.
 Fill the mop bucket with hot water and add the correct amount of chemical according to the dilution rates
 Put clean mop head onto mop handle and place mop
head into water.
 Using the mop handle to steer, push your bucket to the
area to be cleaned.
 Put out hazard signs,
 Ensure to wring out the mop thoroughly to remove
excess water.
 If moping a walkway or area where people may be walking
you must ensure to complete this in sections s one part can dry before you complete another – this allowing access without the risk of slips and falls.
 Start at the furthest point from the door and pull out any light furniture or equipment so you can access behind/ underneath them.
 Run the mop along the edges of the  oor and then using a  gure of eight bring the mop across the  oor, ensuring that all areas of the  oor are covered.
 If water appears dirty, wash the bucket out and replace with fresh water and chemical.
 When you have completed mopping clean out mop and wring dry – empty mop bucket and stand mop upwards inside.
 Remove your gloves and wash your hands.
 When  oor is dry remove hazard signs.
 Return equipment to the cleaning cupboard, ensuring
it’s clean, ensure to store it safely.

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