Page 17 - House No.1 Handbook
P. 17
Storage of Property
During Holidays
• You may leave your property in the trunk room during the holidays but not in your room.
• Although the trunk room will be locked, the College accepts no responsibility for your property.
• Boys leaving the school in the U6th must take all their property with them.
• All possessions left in the trunk room must be locked in a trunk or suitcase - not cardboard boxes.
Study Periods
• You should work in either your study, or in the Grundy Library.
• You should remember study periods are for study - NOT computer games or socialising etc..
House No.1 Aims
• In No.1 we aim to make sure that every boy feels secure and significant so that they may succeed at Malvern. To achieve this aim every boy needs to be selfless because community people are unselfish people - kindness breeds kindness,
so No.1 boys are expected to treat everyone with courtsey and consideration.
• Success rests upon hard work, personal discipline and persistence in whatever sphere of life and No.1 boys can succeed with a clear ethos of uncompromising effort.
• Each boy in No.1 should remember two things: first, that
he is a unique individual with gifts and talents and, secondly, he is one part of the whole community.
• No one is the ‘finished product’, however, every boy in No.1, whatever he does, should do it with passion and pride.