Page 6 - House No.1 Handbook
P. 6

 Dos & Don’ts
No.1 will be your term time home, and you will undoubtedly have lots of fun living alongside each other. Inevitably we all at some point get a little tired or stressed and this can affect how we feel and the things we say and do. Everyone needs some peace and quiet sometimes, so here are a few things to keep in mind:
• Treat other people as you would like them to treat you. Be kind and considerate, and try to put yourself in other people’s shoes. You won’t think of everyone as your best friend, but it is always important to be polite in how you deal with everyone, including your roommates, older
and younger boys, and all the staff who work in the House.
• If you are worried about something. Come and talk to someone rather than bottling it up.
• Don’t hold grudges. It never helps anyone in the end, least of all yourself.
• Be honest in your relationships with each other and with the House staff. There are times when you will need your House staff to stick up for you, and this is much easier when we know we can trust you. Integrity is an especially important quality and makes a real difference to all your relationships, including with your teachers.

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