Page 5 - House No.1 Handbook
P. 5

     Senior Boys will be responsible for informing you of any events happening in their area of responsibility or deal with any suggestions, queries or complaints that you may want to raise. The Head of House and his deputies have a very important role to play in the House. As well as their general House duties, they are there to offer you support, advice and help.
Your Buddies
You will be assigned a House Mentor from the Upper Sixth, who will offer you continued guidance throughout the year
and also a House Buddy - someone who already knows the house well and someone you can chat with on a regular
basis. These boys will also be in your “House Team”, which meets each Friday for lunch and also takes part in various
intra-House competitions.
In addition to the many willing adults and boys available, a list of helpful numbers can be found on
the House notice board outside the dining room.
House Colours and Motto
Each boarding House has chosen a colour(s) for their sports strips. House No.1 has the colours
red and white.
Our motto is, ‘Prima sit domus prima’ (“May the first house be first”). It’s no accident we are No.1. Therefore, make the most of your time at No.1 .
Student Leadership Teams to be announced in September

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