Page 17 - The White House Apartments
P. 17

 Vicky provides the beacon of togetherness
within the team and this we believe allows
us to gel and communicate with each other.
Vicky and the team understand the core
values of performing the role of a concierge and the individual needs of each resident.
We have been living in other buildings providing concierge services, however we haven’t experienced a team as efficient and friendly as the Glasshouse Gardens one.
No matter how busy the team is, no-one ever fails to smile and offer professional assistance. The service quality hasn’t had any impact with the number of residents increasing - quite on the contrary. The team, Vicky, Christina, Deren, Simon, Kamheil,
etc. contribute to the living quality in this building. With their positive spirit and support they add a soul to the corporate Glasshouse architecture.
Abir Roychoudhury and Cora Muennich
Glasshouse Gardens Residents
 Fee Proposal
Creating and delivering value.
The management fee is based on our understanding of the requirements, our experience of the activities involved, the information made available at the time and an initial site visit to The Whitehouse Apartments.
The overriding intent of our proposal is to deliver a total management service which surpasses the current provision and also to significantly reduce the Board’s reliance on external and often expensive accountancy, legal and professional fees.
Over the last two audited years (2016/2017), professional fees have averaged around £100,000 per annum. While elements of these fees are likely to remain, especially in relation to expert consultant advice and a service charge audit, we believe the vast majority of current professional payments will be included within our own management fee.
We propose an initial average management fee of £275 per residential unit per annum. In addition, we would seek to agree a fair and reasonable fee with the Board for service charge collection in relation to commercial uses. We would not, however, propose an additional fee for service charge management of car park spaces.
As a general principle, fees are charged on a per unit basis and linked to the Average Weekly Earnings Index, in accordance with the RICS code of practice.
All fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

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