Page 17 - Parents’ Pastoral
Parents’ Pastoral
Parents’ Pastoral
Parents' Pastoral Guide 2023-24
P. 17
Missing lessons due to early departures and late returns
Parents are are earnestly requested to respect
term dates Curriculum time is important and teachers continue to teach teach productive lessons right up until each Leave Out Half Term and the end end of term Our Attendance Officer
(Mrs Ria Wilkins) has a a a a duty to report significant absences from lessons to the relevant authorities and this can impact on Child Student Visa arrangements for overseas boarders Requests for missing lessons must go to the HouseM and to the Senior Deputy Head
(Mrs Angus) If a permission to miss miss lessons is is is granted then it it is the the responsibility of pupils to contact their teachers for permission to miss miss lessons and to catch up missed work PARENTS’ PASTORAL GUIDE TO TO MALVERN COLLEGE