Page 3 - DLG Newsletter December 2020
P. 3
Headrow and Glasgow return to office
Health and Safety
The final core sites saw their staff returned to office. Headrow 26th October and Glasgow 2nd November.
We continuously ensure our inductions to site are in everyone’s best interest and safety wellbeing whilst on site. Whilst we know this can be laborious constantly reviewing and updating on site we ask for all teams input when it comes to Health and safety, please ensure you are reading the most up to date contractor induction when on site.
We continue to work with DLG and Covid 19 Safety measures, here we have taken our enclosed Glass pods out of use as per
a recommendation through our Mentor audits who will continue to audit the DLG estate.
We continue to provide Costa at all of our core sites through an investment from DLG to ensure our staff on core sites are provided an alternative to their usual “Pre Covid” restaurant provisions.
We now have our very own DLG Property face masks. These have been issued to all our Glasgow staff as the rules in Scotland are slightly different to England. Each property member will have their mask distributed to them over the coming days if not already received.