Page 23 - Pupils' Boarding Handbook
P. 23
What to do if you feel worried
A problem shared is a problem halved. There are so many people you can talk to about anything at school:
» Your Houseparents
» Your Personal Tutor or Form Teacher
» Your Head of Year
» Any member of staff
» Any of your friends
» Your parents
It can be quite a change starting somewhere new or boarding for the first time but we are all here to make you feel happy and settled so please do talk to us and share any worries you are having. If you feel upset at night or need to talk to someone, then let the on call member of staff know. We can always help.
What to do if you feel unwell
We have a Medical Centre which is in the building called Yates House next to the chapel gates. Miss Mackay lives here and will help you if you feel unwell during the day.
At night, the first thing to do is to tell the member of staff who is on call (the name of this person is displayed on the notice board in the house). Knock on their door and let them know you are feeling unwell. They will then either help you or let Miss Mackay know and help you get down to the Medical Centre.