Page 15 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 15

 Lessons and
Lessons will take place in the largest classrooms available, to enable maximum distancing between pupils. Where physically possible, desks will face forward, with separation between them. In order to facilitate contact tracing, consistent seating plans for each class will be recorded. Teachers will maintain appropriate distancing from pupils and will be equipped with visors and masks if needed. Children will be asked to wipe down their desk and chair
at the end of every lesson with disposable wipes and this routine will be overseen by the teacher of each lesson. School cleaners will clean every classroom as regularly as possible during the day and thoroughly every morning before the beginning of each new day.
Movement between lessons will be carefully controlled
and overseen by staff. Children will have marked routes between classrooms and corridors and staircases will be clearly marked with one-way systems to avoid overcrowding or different bubbles coming into close contact with
one another.

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