Page 16 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 16

We welcome full, weekly and part-time boarders back to school and encourage children to board. All boarders will be accommodated within the Main House and will be separated into three distinct ‘Households’. Mr and Mrs Dunham and Miss Ryan will run the boarding house with the support of Mrs Mackay, a team of Gaps, Mr and Mrs Besley and a range of staff helping out in the evenings.
Mr Bennett-Tomlin will continue to work as Head
of Boarding although he no longer lives on the school site.
Within households, controlled mixing will be allowed but there will not be mixing between households. Each household will have its own access to their boarding area, their own washrooms and their
own common rooms for relaxing. Each household will have access to medical care when needed and households will eat breakfast together. Day pupils will not have any access to the boarding house and boarders will only have access on the nights that they are boarding.
Our controlled and safe environment means that boarding may be a good option for families of
day pupils. We would be delighted to accept new boarders for the Autumn term on a full, weekly or part-time basis but we would ask you to decide on which nights you would like your child to board and commit to these until at least Half Term when we will be able to review arrangements. If pupils are not due to board currently but would like to then please contact:
■ Toby Dunham (for boys)
■ Hannah Ryan (for girls)

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