Page 43 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 43

 Chapel and
Assemblies and Chapel will take place within our designated bubbles. The Headmaster may record a video each week
to be watched by the whole of the Prep school, within their bubbles, on Monday mornings. A senior member of staff will lead Assembly or Chapel for each bubble in the mornings and the Headmaster will deliver Assembly and Chapel to each bubble on rotation. Our larger rooms, such as the Ashton Hall and Howe Room, will be used. We will not be able to sing in Assembly but we may watch pre-recorded musical performances. Every effort will be made to ensure that Assembly and Chapel is a time of enrichment and coming together for the whole community.
Sunday morning Chapel services will be going ahead for boarders in some form although the full choir will not be allowed to perform until further notice. Speakers have been booked and details are on the calendar.

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