Page 44 - Return to School Guide - August 2020
P. 44
All individual music lessons will be back up and running in September but they will be held in different locations around the school to make sure that suitable distance is maintained between teacher and pupil in a well-ventilated room.
Because of ‘bubbles’ as well as government guidelines around wind instruments and singing ensembles, we will not have any music ensembles running at the start of term. This will be under review constantly and as soon as guidance allows, we will be back singing and playing together! Curriculum music will be changing to a musical awareness, history and theory curriculum in the short term until we can get back to singing together in large groups.
Music practice arrangements will be changing. As you know, in past years all pupils who learn instruments have completed their music practice during the school day in breaktimes, lunchtimes etc but we have had to review this situation. Boarders who learn a musical instrument will be assigned a music practice space and will complete practice in the evenings. Unfortunately, day pupils will have to complete their music practice at home in the evenings and
at weekends.
Finally, all performances will remain digital for the time-being and will be hosted on Malvern TV. Dates for these performances will be made available to you through the calendar on our new school website. Musical events will be reviewed and hopefully we can hold a concert with a live audience in the not
too distant future.