Page 56 - Malvern College - Welcome Brochure
P. 56
College Rules for all Pupils College Rules for all Pupils These rules rules exist for the the general welfare of the the community The The rules rules have a a a a number of of of specific objectives: maintenance of of of a a a a a a decent standard of of of behaviour compliance with the the the law of of the the the land the the the convenience of of all consideration for people who live in in Malvern protection of the College parents and pupils against legal claim and and uninsured risk and and safety in in general Behaviour which is contrary to the the law of the the land or contrary to the the welfare of an individual or the the community will be regarded as a a a a a breach of the College Rules Ignorance of the College Rules is no excuse for any failure to observe them The Headmaster may vary certain rules and rulings from time time to time time The College Rules apply to all all age groups and at all all times when pupils are at the the College representing the the College College or or wearing College College uniform travelling to and from the the College College or associated with the the College College at at any time Pupils and parents should be be aware that behaviour during school holidays which brings the College into disrepute or is is detrimental to College life may be dealt with by the College 4 All property must be clearly named Authorised staff may search pupils or or their possessions without consent where they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil may have a a a a prohibited item The following places are Out of Bounds:
i i i i i licensed premises unless pupils are accompanied by their parents or have the the written permission of their HouseM ii off-licences and shops selling mainly wines or spirits iii bookmakers iv railway enclosures and hill quarries v v those areas stipulated on the ‘Malvern Town Centre and Out of Bounds Areas’ map displayed in Houses Entrance to private property or places of public entertainment is permitted only by invitation and with the the HouseM’s permission Pupils in the the Sixth Form may visit towns other than Great Malvern or Barnard’s Green only with the HouseM’s written permission Sixth Form may visit Worcester or or or Birmingham on a a a Sunday with HouseM’s permission as as long as as College commitments are honoured Pupils over 18 are required to have their HouseM’s written permission on on on each occasion they visit specified licensed premises they may then consume a a a maximum in in line with Sixth Form Centre rules Pupils may visit the Sixth Form Centre prior to to going to to licensed premises Pupils may not visit the the Sixth Form Centre after they have have been been to Licensed premises unless they have have been been accompanied by their parents Sixth Formers may go for a a a a a a meal in town with the Deputy Head Pastoral and HouseMs’ permission on on a a a Saturday evening but must not consume any alcohol 1 2 3 Pupils will at all times display common sense good manners and behaviour which will not bring the name of the College into disrepute Pupils are expected to show honesty in all that they do including in in in academic matters see Policy on on Honesty in Academic Work for Pupils Pupils may neither purchase have in their possession obtain for or or or supply to others nor use any of the the following:
i i i i alcohol tobacco or or smoking materials in in any form including e-cigarettes ii illegal or illicit substances including ‘legal’ highs or or associated paraphernalia of any sort iii firearms ammunition knives or other offensive weapons iv fireworks matches or or lighters v laser pens Pupils must not contract a a a a debt with shops place a a a a bet or contract a a a commercial debt 56
Welcome Document 2020 - 2021