Page 83 - Culture and Benefits Guide
P. 83

It is Aspiration Training’s intention to:
• Ensure that all stakeholders are protected from abuse, regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, maternity or because someone is married or in a civil partnership.
• Ensure that Team Members are appropriately trained in safeguarding and to understand the risk of radicalisation, their role in implementing the Prevent Duty, and the impact this has on their job role and how to refer an individual who they feel might at risk.
• Ensure that appropriate supervision is given where required.
• Take the necessary steps to inform all stakeholders of relevant policies and procedure, including the regular review and monitoring of Aspiration Training’s policies and procedures to ensure our legal, moral, and social responsibilities are met.
• Take all suspicions and allegations of abuse, including risks of radicalisation, extremely seriously and to respond to concerns with due speed and consideration, and to work in partnership and in accordance with the organisation’s procedures where required, including the Designated Local Authority Person, and / or safeguarding partners.
Safeguarding our learners
All Team Members, but in particular those who work in direct contact with children and adults-at-risk, have an important role to play in ensuring the safety and welfare of learners. For this reason, we have numerous Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) in place across the business.
It is important that you raise concerns at the earliest opportunity through the correct procedures, including any concerns or misgivings about the behaviour of a colleague. Even if you are unsure as to whether there is an issue, you should speak to your Designated Safeguarding Officer to talk it through and they will determine the most appropriate course of action. This should be done within one working day of identification of a potential concern. However, you should dial 999 should the learner be in immediate danger.
It is a requirement of your role that you read and are familiar with the Aspiration Training Safeguarding policy.
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