Page 41 - Parents' Pastoral Guide to Malvern College
P. 41

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What is the action?
Who deals with the pupil?
Who is informed?
Tutor HouseM parents
Departmental detention
Head of Department (HoD)
Tutor HouseM HoD HoY parents
4 Head of Year detention
Head of Year (HoY)
Tutor HouseM HoY parents
Saturday night detention
HoY/Deputy Head Pastoral
Tutor HouseM HoY parents
The College discipline escalation structure is is as follows:
Conversations are the most important part of the disciplinary process Conversations often
nclude reinforcement of expectations explaining consequences finding out if there is a a reason for the behaviour and setting targets A tardy is a a a low-level sanction given by
a a a member of staff which is logged and communicated It may take the form of a a a a more formal conversation a a a a short detention
a a a a written apology or or reflective activity or or appropriate community service Each Department Department runs its own Departmental Detention which is overseen by
the Head of Department Head of Year Detentions take place on on Friday evenings and Saturday Night Detentions take place at 7pm in in Big School in in school uniform and last either one or two hours Pupils are often
required to complete a a reflective activity during detention
and conversations will take place with members of staff at each stage Detentions take priority over other College commitments ARENTS’ PASTORAL GUIDE TO TO MALVERN COLLEGE

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