Page 44 - Parents' Pastoral Guide to Malvern College
P. 44

Thriving at Malvern College
The teenage years can be an an exciting but
also challenging time for young people and
their parents! The teenage brain is going
through significant changes and
the added complications of phones social media teenage culture and
expectations all exert their effects Most teenagers go through several ups and
downs and
it is rarely a a a smooth journey into adulthood The boarding school environment leads to busy and
intense terms where emotions can can become heightened challenges can can seem significant at at times but
there is also greater opportunity for the development of a a range
of skills intelligences (emotional as as well as as academic) confidence and
maturity There is an extensive network of pastoral support in place at Malvern College
Please trust the experience and
expertise of our pastoral teams and
please communicate regularly with the relevant members of staff Our aim is to acknowledge the rapidly evolving challenges for teenagers and
to carefully support pupils and
their parents as they navigate these formative years Happiness can be an an elusive objective but
in in in keeping with Aristotle we are looking for eudaimonia (long-term thriving) for our pupils Those familiar with Martin Seligman’s book ‘Authentic Happiness’ will recognise the the concept of happiness as using your signature strengths and
virtues in in the service of something much larger than you are The Malvern College
experience is designed to to allow our pupils to to discover discover their signature strengths to discover discover the the virtues of service and
teamwork to develop the Malvern Qualities
eventually to thrive 44

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