Page 15 - Parents' Handbook - Sept 2021
P. 15

  Welcome ................................16
Part-Time &
Occasional Boarding ..............16
Tuck Boxes.............................16 What To Bring ................... 16-17 What not To Bring ..................17 Boarding Aims
and Principles....................... 19 The Boarding House .............. 20 The Boarding Routine............ 20 Boarding Meetings ................ 20 Communication ..................... 21 Evening Activities................. 21 Food ..................................... 21 Homesickness ....................... 21 House Night .......................... 23 Illness .................................. 23 Laundry................................ 23 Passports .............................. 23 Pocket Money ........................ 23 Returning To School .............. 23 Rewards and Sanctions.......... 23 School Facilities.................... 25 Travel Information ............... 25 Weekends.............................. 25 Finally.................................. 25 People and Contacts .............. 27

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