Page 53 - Parents' Handbook - Sept 2021
P. 53

Fees are payable by the first day of term. If there
is likely to be any difficulty, please contact the Headmaster at the earliest opportunity. Schemes for monthly payments are available. Full conditions are included in the Parent-School Contracts which all parents are required to sign.
Abberley has been a Charitable Trust for over forty years. The Governing Body includes present and past parents and offers a wealth of experience and a wide range of skills. There are eminent educationalists as well as representatives of key professions such as the Law and Accountancy. A full list of Governors can be found on the school website.
The School has a wide range of policies and procedures that conform with recent legislation. These cover such areas as Health and Safety, bullying, Child Protection, complaints etc. Many key policies are available to parents on the school website and others are available upon request.
Our Calendar for each term can be found in the Parent Zone area of our website. This calendar is reviewed regularly so do please keep on checking it. We will always write to parents ahead of important events and dates as a reminder as well.
We used to print a detailed calendar for each term and send it out to parents but Covid has required
us to maintain a greater degree of flexibility than
this allows. Perhaps one day, when Covid is no longer something we need to worry about, we will print these calendars again. For now, please rely on the online calendar and get in touch if you need to check any details at all.

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