Page 55 - Parents' Handbook - Sept 2021
P. 55

Children at Abberley are unique and, whilst expectations are high, we embrace a relaxed atmosphere where individuality is celebrated. To this end, children do not wear a set uniform during the normal school day. The dress code is ‘smart casual’. Boys tend to wear chinos or similar trousers in the colour of their choice and plain, stripped or checked shirts. In cooler weather, they wear plain V neck jumpers – again, they choose the colour. Similarly, girls tend to wear skirts of their own choice. They are welcome to wear trousers and some do. They wear a blouse and jumper or cardigan. Surprisingly to some, our children look extremely smart and it is lovely to allow them a degree of choice in what they wear.
We do have a smart uniform, known as a Chapel Suit and these are worn on more formal occasions.
Uniform and equipment lists are quite detailed and they vary for girls and boys and from term to term. To see further details, please refer to the Parent Zone on our website where you can see itemised lists.
Thank you for reading this guide. We suggest that you keep it ‘to hand’ as a reference document so that you can check it whenever you need to. This guide cannot attempt to include every detail that a parent may need to know during their time at Abberley Hall but we hope that it is a useful starting point. We plan to add to and adapt this document during the coming year so please let us know if there is anything that you feel we should include or anything that you feel you could do without. Hopefully, this document will become more and more useful over the terms and years ahead!
I have every confidence that your child will thrive at Abberley Hall. If you have any concerns or queries at all then please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help!

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