Page 61 - Westmed Acute Care e Catalog Updated 07 2020
P. 61

Capnography Sampling
                                                              CO2/O2 Sampling Nasal Cannulas

  CO2/O2 nasal cannulas are made with Comfort Soft Plus Material and are available in adult and
  pediatric sizes, male or female connections, and various lengths

    #0503 Adult, male luer              #0504 Adult, female luer             #0441 Pediatric, male luer
                                                                             with 2” pigtail w/femail luer

                                                            #0585 Adult, V-Cut Prongs, male luer with 2”
                                                            pigtail w/femail luer

          0503       Adult 7' CO 2/O 2 cannula w/male luer                                           25
          0504       Adult 7' CO 2/O 2 cannula w/female luer                                         25
          0538       Comfort Soft Plus® Adult 10' CO2/O2 cannula w/male luer                         25
          0539       Comfort Soft Plus® Adult 10' CO2/O2 cannula w/female luer                       25

                     Comfort Soft Plus® Adult 14' CO2/O2 cannula w/male luer, 2" pigtail w/female
          0542                                                                                       25
          0581       Adult 7' O2 cannula w/2" CO2 line, female luer                                  25
          0584       Adult 7' O2 cannula w/2" CO2 line, female luer, ETCO2 Label                     25

          0585       Adult 10' CO2/O2 V-Cut cannula w/male luer, 2" pigtail w/female luer            25

          0860       Adult, CO2/O2, 10' .045 ID Sampling Line W/Male Luer                            25
          0441       Pediatric 7' CO2/O2 cannula male luer, 2" pigtail w/female luers                25

          0870       Pediatric Cannula, 7' O2 & 2" CO2 Line w/Female Luer                            25

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