Page 30 - 2020 M.B.S.C.E.T MAGAZINE
P. 30
(Dept. Of ME)
1. One-week online STC on “Advanced Engineering
Optimization Techniques” organized by Dr B R Ambedkar
National Institute of Technology - Jalandhar, Department
of Industrial & Production Engineering from 24th to 28th
December 2020 sponsored by TEQIP-III. Certificate ID:
2. Seven-day faculty development program (online) on
“Ethical Practices in Engineering” organized by
department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sairam
Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu from 28 th May
to 03 June, 2020. Certificate No: SEC/ME/EPE153.
3. Two-day National E-workshop on “Outcome Based
Education & Examination Reform” organized by Team
IQAC of Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology,
Badhani Pathankot on 15 th & 16 th May, 2021.
Ref No: SSCET/IQAC/WS-21/234.
4. Online Expert Talk on “World Telecommunication &
Information Society Day” organized by Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBSCET
Jammu in collaboration with IETE Jammu Centre on 17 th
May, 2021.
5. Five-day interdisciplinary online workshop on “Advance
Teaching, Learning, Research Methodology and
Innovations” organized by Saint Francis De Sales College,
Nagpur from 1 to 5 June, 2021. Certificate ID: 810.
6. One-week online faculty development program on
“Innovation, Incubation, Startups and Research
Challenges in India” organized by Sri Sai College of
Engineering & Technology, Badhani Pathankot from 1 to
5 June, 2021. Ref No: SSCET/IQAC/FDP-21/01/284.
7. Five-day faculty development program (online) on
“Innovation, Incubation, Startups & Research Challenges
in INDIA” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell,
Idhaya Engineering College for Women, Chinnasalem,
Tamil Nadu from 7 to 11 June, 2021.
8. One-week international faculty development program
(online) on “Application of Mechanical Engineering”
organized by SVR Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh
from 9 to 14 June, 2021.
9. One-week Short Term Training Program through ICT Mode
on “Outcome Based Accreditation and NBA” organized
by National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and
Research (NITTTR) Kolkata from 14 to 18 June, 2021.