Page 38 - 2020 M.B.S.C.E.T MAGAZINE
P. 38

Er. Satish Kumar

              (Deptt. Of ME)

    1.  AICTE Sponsored one week online Short-Term Training
        Program (STTP - Phase-III) on “Innovations and
        Challenges in Industry 4.0 Automation and Smart
        Manufacturing”,  organized  by  Department  of
        Mechanical Engineering, KALLAM HARANADHAREDDY
        INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
        from 26th July 2021 to 31st July 2021.
    2.  Attended the E- National Conference & Exhibition on
        “Emerging  &  Innovative  Trends  in  Engineering
        Technology” organized by Government College of
        Engineering and Technology, Jammu held during 23rd
        & 24th of April 2021.
    3.  Online FDP on "Sustainability Engineering” by AICTE
        Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy held during
        11th to 15th January 2021 at IIT Jammu.
    4.  Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Excel
        with Data Visualization” organised by E & ICT
        Academy, IIT Kanpur held during 30th November 2020
        to 5th December 2020.
    5.  Online FDP on "Green Technology & Sustainability
        Engineering" by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL)
        Academy held during 5th to 9th October 2020 at
        Punjab Engineering College.
    6.  TEQIP-III sponsored, One-Week Online Short Term
        Course on “Entrepreneurship: A Way of Thinking”,
        jointly  organized  by  Government  College  of
        Engineering & Technology, Jammu(J&K) and Shri Mata
        Vaishno Devi University, Katra (J&K) held during 28th
        September 2020 to 2nd October 2020.

    7.  Online FDP on "3D Printing & Design” by AICTE
        Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy held during
        14th to 18th September 2020 at Bharati Vidyapeeth
        College of Engineering.

    8.  One Week Online Short Term Course on “Reliability,
        Maintainability  and  Quality  Issues  in  Process
        Industries” Organized at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National
        Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India held during
        04th to 08th August, 2020 under TEQIP-3.

    9.  Four day online FDP on “Emerging Technologies in
        Mechanical Engineering” conducted by Department of
        Mechanical  Engineering,  Yogananda  College  of
        Engineering & Technology, Jammu, held during 24th
        to 27th July 2020.
    10. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on
        Induction Training organised by National Institute of
        Technical Teacher’s Training and Research, Kolkata
        held during 25th to 29th May 2020.
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