Page 5 - 2020 M.B.S.C.E.T MAGAZINE
P. 5
Prof. (Dr.) D.S. Pundhir
From the Principal’s Desk
It is a matter of great pride that MBSCET is bringing out Volume- …..of
annual magazine “Reflection”. Students shall not only excel in
Academics Credentials but also in Co-curricular and Extracurricular
activities such as literary, cultural, and sports activities. The College
Magazine is one such platform that exhibits the creative literary and
artistic talents of our students. COVID-19 Pandemic smacked the
country , students bearing the highest brunt was the one who needed
highest access to quality education. The pandemic spurred the adoption
of online teaching. At MBSCET Departments bounced with number of
Webinars, Conferences, Lecture series. In an enormous way, Our Faculty
members supported students both academically and non-academically.
We strongly believe in academic excellence & do not compromise on
teaching standards or discipline. The placement scenario is also quite
commendable as several premier companies visit our campus for
recruitment. We acknowledge the students, parents, teaching and non
teaching staff and society in general as our stake holders give their
continuous support in taking this institution to greater heights. We never
compromise on any part of our quality and our policy of providing
technical education in National level.