Page 65 - 2020 M.B.S.C.E.T MAGAZINE
P. 65
Fake News Around the World
Fake news is false or misleading information presented as
news. It often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a
person or entity, or making money through advertising
revenue. How do liars create the illusion of truth ?
In an age where the internet is frequently the main source of
information, news audiences are at higher risk than ever of
encountering and shared fake news Nearly 4.66 billion
internet user worldwide in 2021(59.5% of global population).
Of this total, 92.6%(4.32 billion) accesed the internet via
mobile devices.
Media trust worldwide has dropped by 8% between 2020 to
2021. 32% of people over 65 say that mainstream media
outlets spread fake news. But in India, the press freedom
index has been placed at 142nd position among 180 countries
in 2021. Many countries took action against fake news e.g.
Singapore, Malaysia, France etc. But in India there is no such
specific codified law against fake news.
There are many fact checking network/websites that are
works by monitoring misinformation. In india , Alt News is
the most popular fact checking network. It is a non-profit fact
checking website that launched in 9th February 2017 to
combat the phenomenon of fake news.
Fake News is the propaganda of the creator to spread false
information about the person who is against the creator or
group of creator. For Stop spreading the fake news or
misinformation we have to check facts of the information
before shared to others. Social Media companies are active
for stop misinformation circulates but didn't do at all.
Name- Paramjot Singh
Department- C.S.E.