Page 8 - Mr Goheen and Me
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every service that summer and when fall rolled around and the ballpark services ended, I decided to go to regular church now.
I also had an insatiable desire to read God’s Word. I picked up the Reach Out Bible Mr. Goheen had given me and couldn’t lay it down. I read the entire New Testament in a week or so. Then I read it again. By December I decided to declare publicly to my family and the world that I had become a Christian. A couple of weeks before Christmas, I was baptized at Streetsville Baptist church. A number of my unsaved relatives showed up. My father, in his customary Archie Bunker manner announced to everyone, “C’mon, let’s go see Jimmy get dunked.” The ridicule had no effect. My baptism was a major turning point in my Christian life and life in general. I had discovered the answer to my questions of purpose. I was now a follower of Jesus and on fire.
I asked whether there was a youth group for kids my age. There wasn’t, so I set about organizing one. They made me president. Ross’
daughter Maureen was vice-president as I recall. I had no clue how to lead a Bible study or even how to pray publicly. I turned to Mr. Goheen for guidance. He found a book that came with a study guide and gave me a copy. It was called, “Will the Real Phony Please Stand Up” a study on the book of James by Elizabeth Barrett. Equipped with this tool, I prepared for and led my first Bible study. I ended up getting others to lead studies from the book as well. The group was off and running. I can thank Mr. Goheen for that.
After high school the Lord enabled me to get into the Radio Television Arts program at Ryerson University. Upon
graduation, I followed the Lord’s leading to join the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ at its Canadian headquarters in BC. The move here was transformational. I utilized my training in media both in print and video, creating evangelistic tools and growth materials used in national