Page 6 - Mr Goheen and Me
P. 6

 that he recognized my love for the game and put it in print is a testament to his insight and kindness. My “Athlete of the Week” story still stands as one of the best encouragements I have ever received.
Mr. Goheen also assisted me with my course selections in high school. He counselled that I should choose the 5 year advanced program and get my grade 13 diploma. That would enable me to go to university. It was the right choice. He also encouraged me to take typing. That’s right, typing.
Back then the only ones who took typing were girls who were on a career path to become secretaries. But Mr. Goheen said it would be a useful skill to have when I got older. I took his advice and I’m so glad I did. I was surprised how well I took to typing and mastered the keyboard quickly, even though I learned on a manual typewriter. I typed all my assignments in the higher grades and when I got to university and was in a script writing class, each student sat at a desk with an electric typewriter and had to compose on the keyboard. Thanks to the typing course I took in grade 9, it was no problem for me. Thanks Mr. Goheen!
I wished the rest of high school was as easy to navigate as Typing. No such luck. My secondary school years were challenging. Though popular in class, I shied away from extra-curricular activities like partying and doing drugs. I had no desire for those things. But the pressure to participate was strong. I turned down the offers and did my own thing, which meant I found myself with a lot of alone time contemplating life.
At some point during my grade 11 year I recall doing some serious soul-searching. I asked myself two big questions: why am I here? & what purpose is there in life? I also questioned why my peers would only accept me if I did the things they wanted to do, things I deemed harmful. Then I had an epiphany. I asked aloud to no one in particular, “Isn’t there someone who would accept me for who I am?” For some reason the

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