Page 7 - The Ant Story
P. 7

Last weekend, I was out in a recreation park looking for a nice place to sit down and relax on the grass. As I was scanning the terrain, I noticed hundreds of anthills. We had rain a few days earlier, and I guess the ant world had to reopen their passageways to their underground homes.
I stopped and bent down to observe one of the anthills, and I was fascinated by what I saw. An ant would come out of his hole carrying a granular piece of soil and drop it around the edge of the little mound that was slowly building up around the entrance to his home. Then he would scurry back down the hole to get another piece of soil only to repeat the entire process. Back and forth, back and forth. The mounds around each anthill varied in height and width depending on where the ant decided to drop his cargo. Some of the mounds were growing to be as high as four or five inches tall.
As I watched this one particular fellow making his way in and out of his home, I imagined what it must of have been like for him to be able to
see such great distances from
the ever-increasing height of
his mound. I imagined that he
(let’s call him “Ant”; his
nickname for his real name
which is “Anthony”)
exclaimed, “Look! I can see
forever up here! One can see
the whole world when he gets
up this high!” Being four or five inches off the ground and being able to see over the recreation fields would seem like an endless expanse of territory for a little fellow of his size! I imagined what it would be like to show Ant just how limited his view of the world really was...
The Ant Story

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