Page 9 - The Ant Story
P. 9

imagination, I can do magical things! Therefore, I shall take you up in a large balloon and we shall see how big the world really is. Would you like that?”
“A large what? Take me up in a large balloon did you say? What is a balloon? And what do you mean by immalenation?”
“No, Ant, not immalenation. Imagination. Let’s see: how shall I explain what imagination means...”
“Hello!” Ant exclaimed! “What on earth is that huge thing behind you!” I turned around, and there on the grass about twenty feet away was a huge balloon that was over seventy-five feet tall!
It was all sorts of bright colours, and there was a basket resting on the ground that attached to the balloon by several cords. The basket, which was about four feet tall and could hold four or five people, had a golden rope attached to its railing that dropped to the ground. This golden rope was holding the balloon to the earth.
“That, Ant, is a balloon! And it appeared here magically because it is part of a story that I am making up out of my imagination. My
imagination is pictures and
things that I am thinking about in
my mind. Oh dear! I don’t
believe that I’m explaining it
very well to you! Here, crawl
onto my finger and we shall go
for a balloon ride!” Ant hesitated
for a moment, then scurried over
to my finger that I had placed on
the edge of his mound.
The Ant Story

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