Page 14 - The Encounter-dig1218
P. 14

 Children & Youth Sunday School, Sunday Mornings at 9:30am
The Preschool Sunday School Class is in the nursery extension on the main level.
K-2nd Grade Sunday School Class is located downstairs in the ‘Jonah Room.’
3rd-5th Grade, 6th-8th Grade, and High School Sunday School Classes are on the upper level in the ‘Upstairs Loft.’
Adult Study Groups, Sundays, 9:30am
The Seekers: This is the second season for the newest addition to our adult study group line-up. This class is taking on the “hard to understand verses” in the Bible. (Lower level, northeast corner) Joe Nau is the facilitator. Please contact Joe at or 816-716-8266 for more
The Wired Ones: This class meets in the Fellowship Hall in the lower level at 9:30 am. The class will begin an Advent study beginning Dec, 1. The study was authored by Max Lucado. God knows what it is like to be human. He understands our challenges, struggles and tough times. The study reminds us that “everything works together for the good of those that love God.”
The All Stars: This class meets in the Gathering Room at 9:30am. Mary Specker is the facilitator. This class uses a quarterly Bible study material that takes a Christian viewpoint and applies it to the group members daily lives.
  Sermon Based Bible Study
Join Pastor Wendy, Tuesday mornings at 11:00am, to discuss scriptures that will be used on the following Sunday and how it pertains to our lives today. This is a wonderful time of learning, prayer, and fellowship, and all voices are invited to join in the discussion!

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