Page 12 - The Encounter-dig1218
P. 12

 Bucket Offerings for Heifer International
We collected change for approximately 6 weeks to purchase animals through Heifer International. We collected $440.50, enough money to purchase 2 flocks of geese, 2 flocks of ducks, 3 flocks of chicks, 1 goat, 1 llama, and a swarm of honeybees!
Heifer International is a global nonprofit working to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable, values based holistic community development. Heifer International distributes animals, along with agricultural and values- based training, to families in need around the world as a means of providing self-sufficiency.
Odessa First United Methodist Church has supported this project for many years. Please visit to learn about all the many aspects of Heifer International. Thank you to everyone who brought your change (and bills) to donate to this worthy project. Thank you to Maureen, Wendy and Laura for you inspiring children’s messages and to Russ Long for counting all the change each week!
Confirmation classes will begin in January. If you have students (family or friends welcome!) who are in 7th-12th grade who would like to go through Confirmation Class, we would love to have them join us! This is a wonderful opportunity for students discover faith for themselves. Please contact Wendy Minshall if you would like to register a student or if you would be interested in being a mentor for a student. (, 816-2304926)

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