Page 10 - The Encounter-dig1218
P. 10

 Your Administrative Council News
Our November Council meeting was cancelled due to lack of business, cold weather and low attendance because of illnesses. Church business still goes on even though we don’t meet. This time of year is a busy one in the church.
The end of the year is coming soon. An item that we as a council work on throughout the year is the progress of our apportionment obligation. For some, that is a dreaded requirement, for others it is a sign that if we are able to pay them in full, we are doing well. Reality is that when we pay our church responsibility in the way of apportionments, we are enabling the District and Conference to be a greater presence in the world. Apportionments are a financial responsibility that each United Methodist Church is designated each year. The amount is based on our budget, attendance and other formulas.
For 2018, we owed $1,300.00 District and $16,024.00 Conference apportionments to meet our obligation. We are on track to have that commitment paid again for the 4th year. If you would like to make an extra mile donation, please mark it apportionments and place in the offering or mail.
Apportionments support grants, scholarships, disaster relief, pensions and so much more. The list is to much explain in this short space. I invite each of you to visit how-we-serve/where-your-money-goes and learn about all the areas that benefit. This commitment allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Thank you for your continued support of this commitment and our church.
     Our congregation has traditionally given Christmas gifts to our staff--our pastor, secretary, custodian, and accompanist/choir director. If you would like to honor our staff in this fashion, you may give your monetary gift to a member of the Staff- Parish Relations committee. We will present our gifts Decem- ber 23 during the worship service.
-Charlene Flynn, Candace Osborne, Dennis McCarthy

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