Page 32 - mlcc-170613
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               鎘及鎘化合物之含量允許濃度:小於 75ppm
               鉛及其化合物(Lead and lead compounds)
               鉛以及鉛化合物允許濃度:1000ppm 以下(塑膠(包括橡膠)、塗料、油墨需水於 100ppm)
               汞及其化合物(Mercury and mercury compounds)
                汞以及汞化合物允許濃度:1000ppm 以下(對象為電池與燈管除外之所有用途)
                    六價鉻及其化合物(Hexavalent chromium compounds)
               針對電子零件、塑膠材料(包含橡膠)  等,使用紫外光-可見光吸收光譜儀(UV-VIS)(按照 EPA3060A  或者 IEC 62321)
               執行含量檢定,允許濃度為 1000ppm 以下。以上述鉛、鎘與汞之量測方法(不含 AAS)所測得的總鉻值若低於
               ·溴化物(Brominated organic compounds):
               多溴連苯(Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB))
               多溴聯苯(PBB)之含量允許濃度:小於 1000ppm
               多溴二苯醚(Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE))
               多溴聯苯醚(PBDE)之含量允許濃度:小於 1000ppm
               其他含溴化物(Other brominated organic compounds)
               ·氯化物(Chlorinate dorganic compounds):      多氯連苯(Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB))
                                                  多氯化鈉(Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCN))
                                                  氯代烷烴(Chlorinated paraffins (CP))
                                                  污泥(過氯化物)(Mires ( Perchlordecone ))
                                                  其他含氯化物(Other chlorinated organic compounds)
               ·有機錫化物(  三丁基錫化合物,三苯基化合物)
               Organic tin compounds (Tributyl tin compounds, Triphenyl tin compounds
               ·氮化物( Azo compounds)
               ·聚氯乙烯及其化合物(Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC blends)
               天揚不使用含有損害臭氧層的物質材料(Team Young will not use the material, which has ozonosphere damage concerned.)
               ·全氟辛烷磺酸(Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS))
               · 全氟辛酸銨(Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA))
               產品構成成分表(Constituent’s illustration):
                    部位名稱                           材料                        含量            CAS No.
                Name of the position             Material                the content (%)
                     電介質         Barium Titanate Zirconate (BaTixZr1-xO3),   70~89    66402-68-4,12047-2
                (Dielectric material)   Barium titanate (BaTiO3), Barium carbonate    7-7,513-77-9,1314-6
                     (BME)       (BaCO3),Yttrium oxide(Y2O3)                          3-9
                     電介質         Barium carbonate (BaCO3), Titanane oxide (TiO2),   81~93   1340-28-5,13643-67-
                (Dielectric material)   Gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3), Neodynium oxide     7
                     (NME)       (Nd2O3)
                     內電極         Ni                                          4~18     7440-02-0
                     內電極         Ag + Pd (9:1)                                2~9     7440-22-4 /
                 (Internal-electrode                                                  7440-05-3
                     端電極         Termination-electrode Cu (cladding material   6~12   7440-50-8
                  Outer-electrode   Ni/Sn) ; 2nd cladding material: pure S n(fog)
                     端電極         Termination-electrode Ag(cladding material   4~10    7440-22-4
                  Outer-electrode   Ni/Sn) ; 2nd cladding material: pure S n(fog)

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