Page 2 - Career Development Guidebook
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Copyright © 2024 by VinUniversity. All rights reserved.
          Published by VinUniversity, Vinhomes Ocean Park, Da Ton, Gia Lam, Hanoi, Vietnam

          This Guidebook and its content are protected under copyright law. No part of this Guidebook may be
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          For permission requests, please write to
          Alumni,  Industry  &  Development  Department  -  VinUniversity,  Da  Ton,  Gia  Lam,  Hanoi,  Vietnam  -
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          VinUniversity Alumni, Industry and Development Team:

          Career Exploration

          Project Leader/Lead Reviewer and Editor: Nguyen Van Anh, ACA BFP MA

          Other Reviewers: Professor Stephen Leiz (Faculty), Nguyen Thi Ha Giang MSc, Nguyen Dang Phuong Nhi,
          Duong Bao Tien

          Content Contributors and Guidebook Designers: Pham Hanh Ngan, Tong Ai Linh, Bui Hong Anh, Khuat
          Thanh Son, To Dong Anh Khoa, Luong Thi Ha Thuong, Le Bao Ngoc

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