Page 12 - Tradd Management
P. 12

Management Proposal for Waterway Palms Plantation

                                         Organization / Management

               Staff Tenure

               Tradd Management has been successful at hiring and retaining the best qualified individuals to complete
               our “Management Team”. Staff longevity has been essential to the success of Tradd Management.
               Tradd promotes a culture of “family” and encourages team interaction and community activism. We
               supply our employees/team with the proper tools to continually grow, recognize personal fulfillment and
               be a leader within their area of expertise within the management industry.

               Team Approach

               Tradd Management is founded on the principle that a “team oriented‐specialist approach” leads to the
               highest level of client service. Individuals possessing a specialized skill set collectively working together as
               a team to meet their management objectives.


               Pat Clark, CPM                      S  t  e  p  h  a  n  i  e     M  c  C  a  l  l  u  m  ,     MBA
               Director of Operations              Senior Accountant, Financials

               T  a  r  a     A  l  f  o  r  d              K  a  r  l  e  y     W  a  t  t  s
               C  o  n  t  r  o  l  l  e  r              S  y  s  t  e  m  s     &     R  i  s  k     M  a  n  a  g  e  r

               Michelle Coates                     Stephanie Graham, MBA
               Accounts Payable Manager            Accounts Receivable Manager

               Mara Love, MS, CPM                  Dee Lindsey
               Director of Communications          Senior Accountant, Reconciliations

               Scott E. McNew, CCIM, SIOR          Dave Rowland
               Chief Executive Officer             Facilities Management

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               1 0 3 9   4 4 T H   A V E N U E   N O R T H ,    S U I T E   2 0 3
               M Y R T L E   B E A C H ,    S O U T H   C A R O L I N A   2 9 5 7 7                         11
               W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M
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