Page 11 - Pawleys Pavilion POA Proposal
P. 11
Management Proposal for Pawleys Pavilion POA
Demetria Lindsey
Senior Accountant
Demetria Lindsey serves as a Senior Accountant for Tradd Management where she
supports the Controller with client reporting and operation of Tradd’s web‐based
accounting and property management platforms. She has 25 years of accounting
experience in facilities and institutional property management.
Demetria is a graduate of Lander University with a bachelor’s degree in Business
Administration/Accounting. Demetria and her husband reside in Greenville, SC and she is actively
involved in their nonprofit organization, A Grace to Grow.
Stephanie McCallum, MBA
Senior Accountant
Stephanie McCallum serves as Senior Accountant for Tradd Management. She
oversees the accounting and budgeting processes. Stephanie has over 15 years of
finance and accounting experience as well as serving as an Adjunct Instructor for
both Horry Georgetown Technical College and Miller‐Motte College.
Stephanie earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Francis
Marion University and an MBA from Webster University. She grew up in Lake City, SC and resides in the
Carolina Forest community of Myrtle Beach. She has been married to her college sweetheart for over 20
years and they have two boys.
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1 0 3 9 4 4 T H A V E N U E N O R T H , S U I T E 2 0 3
M Y R T L E B E A C H , S O U T H C A R O L I N A 2 9 5 7 7 10
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M