Page 5 - Pawleys Pavilion POA Proposal
P. 5
Management Proposal for Pawleys Pavilion POA
TRADD Qualifications & Experience
Company Description
Tradd Management is a full‐service management company that is recognized as a leader along the
Grand Strand and is recommended due to the talent of our team, systems, and communication.
Our goal is to offer unparalleled service to the property owner associations and resorts we serve
along the Grand Strand. We want owners to “Love where you Live”. In order to achieve this goal, we are
constantly examining cost saving initiatives by leveraging bulk pricing options with all vendors and by
growing our knowledge base of new and existing cost reduction programs. We are also always expanding
our internal processes and technology offerings to continue to offer owners real‐time
account information and access to association information, as well as aid in processing information and
tracking status of requests.
Founded in 2005 to provide property management services and offer a higher level of service and
The Tradd name is a stately southern name. There is a Tradd Street located in Charleston, SC
which was named for the first child of European decent born in the Province. This neighborhood
contains the greatest concentration of early 18th century houses in the city, many of which
were once home to seafaring merchants, royal office holders and gentry.
Ownership & Location
Tradd Management, LLC maintains its operation center in Myrtle Beach and is part of a regional brand
that provides real estate services. The physical address is 1039 44 Ave. N., Suite 203, Myrtle Beach, SC
29577. The office is conveniently located to major service corridors and the oceanfront. At the traffic
light intersection of Grissom Pkwy and 44 Ave North, we are located directly behind the three‐story
bank on 44 Ave N.
Affiliated Companies & No Ownership in Vendors:
There are no ownership interests in vendors outside the Tradd entities which bear the “Tradd” name.
We outsource to assure the highest quality and best pricing.
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1 0 3 9 4 4 T H A V E N U E N O R T H , S U I T E 2 0 3
M Y R T L E B E A C H , S O U T H C A R O L I N A 2 9 5 7 7 4
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M