Page 15 - The Forum in Surfside Beach Management Proposal
P. 15
ManagementProposal for The Forum in Surfside Beach
Pam Warren, CMCA
Senior Property Manager
Pam Warren serves as a Senior Property Manager for Tradd Management and
oversees the operations involving communication and executing board directives for
high rise property owner associations. She is responsible for all aspects of the
management process from operations to customer service relations.
Pam is a lifelong resident of Myrtle Beach and obtained her Property Management
license in 2004. Prior to joining Tradd, Pam worked in the vacation rental industry and banking sector.
She holds the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA) designation from the Community
Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB).
Heather Ellis, CMCA
Director of Property Management
Heather Ellis serves as the Director of Property Management for Tradd
Management. She oversees operations involving commercial properties and the
handling of all aspects of the management process from operations to customer
service relations.
Prior to joining Tradd Management in 2012, Heather spent over 10 years in various
property management roles ranging from multi‐family properties, annual rentals, homeowner
associations and commercial management. At her previous company, she was head of the management
division and tripled the size of the management portfolio.
Heather is a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM), holds the CMCA designation
from the Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB), and holds a Real
Estate License in the state of South Carolina. Heather is a graduate of Socastee High School, attended
Horry‐Georgetown Technical College, is a member of Coastal Carolina Association of Realtors, and an
active member of Palmetto Pointe Church of God.
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Myrtle Beach, SC | Greenville, SC | Charlotte, NC 14
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M