Page 24 - The Forum in Surfside Beach Management Proposal
P. 24
ManagementProposal for The Forum in Surfside Beach
A d m i n i s t r a t i v e S e r v i c e s
Tradd Management’s day to day operations cover the following services:
▪ Maintain documents and records for the operation of the property
▪ Maintain and keep updated database information pertaining to keys,
permits, tags, cards, remotes, etc.
▪ Prepare correspondence for the property owners when necessary
▪ Stay updated with information regarding the statutes and legislation
affecting management operations, including tax filings and financial
▪ Assist owners in establishing, maintaining, and enforcing the appropriate
Rules and Regulations and Leases.
▪ Coordinate all communications regarding insurance which consists of
obtaining insurance proposals, provide recommendations to the owners,
advising the owner of renewal dates, filing insurance claims, coordinating
with adjusters, assisting in filing Proof of Loss forms, and coordinating
restoration efforts.
▪ Maintain an updated tenant and vendor list with mailing addresses, telephone
numbers, and email addresses.
▪ Display documents on the website
▪ Coordinate and attend board and investor meetings as well as any
special meetings and provide any reports or correspondence.
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Myrtle Beach, SC | Greenville, SC | Charlotte, NC
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M