Page 6 - Tradd Management Proposal- Madison Green
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Management Proposal for Madison Green
The Tradd Advantage:
Best People + Top Systems
•Responsiveness – the key to good communications and relationships
•Supervision & Enforcement
•Accessibility through technology and personal communications
•Board presentations and investor/benefactor reporting
Leading Financial & Technology Systems
•Customizable reporting utilizing an industry leading web-based accounting
•Accounts Receivable: Multiple means of receiving rent including ACH and credit
•Real time viewing, work order modules, owner portal, owner portal
Optimize Property & Cash Flow
•Owner retention and collections
•Property and budget oversight
•Risk management: all forms of insurance and asset protection
•Experienced in construction projects and owner build-out
A-TEAM Approach
•Skilled team of specialists
•Top credentials and experience
•Proven track record
8 4 3 - 8 3 9 - 9 7 8 0 or 7 0 4 - 4 1 2 - 7 9 4 5
Myrtle Beach, SC | Greenville, SC | Charlotte, NC 5
W W W . T R A D D M A N A G E M E N T . C O M