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                      Mission Statement                                Vision Statement

                   "The CMA professionals would                  "The Institute of Cost Accountants
                  ethically drive enterprise globally              of India would be the preferred
                  by creating value to stakeholders                   source of resources and
                    in the socio-economic context                   professionals for the financial
                    through competencies drawn                    leadership of enterprise globally."
                   from the integration of strategy,
                   management and accounting."

             About The Institute

            The Institute of Cost Accountants of India is a  Cost Accountants of India" from "The Institute
            statutory body set up under Act of Parliament  of Cost and Works Accountants of India". This
            in the year 1959. The Institute as a part of its  step is aimed towards synergising with the global
            obligations, regulates the profession of Cost and  management accounting bodies, sharing the best
            Management Accountancy, enrolls students for its  practices which will be useful to large number
            courses, provides coaching facilities to the students,  of trans-national Indian companies operating
            oragnises professional development programmes  from India and abroad to remain competitive.
            for the members and undertakes research  With  the  current emphasis  on  management  of
            programmes in the fi eld of Cost and Management  resources, the specialized knowledge of evaluating

            Accountancy. The Institute pursues the vision of  operating efficiency and strategic management the
            Cost Competitiveness, Cost Management, Effi cient  professionals are known as "Cost and Management
            use of Resources and Structured Approach to Cost  Accountants (CMAs)". The Institute is the 2nd
            Accounting as the key drivers of the profession.  largest Cost & Management Accounting body in the
            In today's world, the profession of conventional  world and the largest in Asia , having approximately
            accounting and auditing has taken a back seat and  5,00,000 students and 85,000 members all over the
            Cost and Management Accountants are increasingly  globe. The Institution headquartered at Kolkata and
            contributing towards the management of scarce  an office in Delhi operates through four Regional

            resources apply strategic decisions. This has opened  Councils at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai
            up further scope and tremendous opportunities for  and 113 Chapters situated at important cities in the
            cost accountants in India and abroad.          country as well as 11 overseas Centres. It is under
            After an amendment passed by Parliament of India,   the administrative control of Ministry of Corporate
            the Institute is now renamed as "The Institute of   Affairs, Government of India.

           This publication does not constitute professional advice. The information in this publication has been obtained
           or derived from sources believed by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) to be reliable. Any
           opinions or estimates contained in this publication represent the judgment of ICAI at this time. Readers of this
           publication are advised to seek, their own professional advice before taking any course of action or decision,
           for which they are entirely responsible, based on the contents of this publication. ICAI neither accepts nor
           assumes any responsibility or liability to any reader of this publication including third party products in respect
           of the information contained within it or for any decisions readers may take or decide not to or fail to take.
           @2022 The Institute of Cost Accountants of India. All Rights reserved.

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