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P. 134

                                                        SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                                 CHANGES IN NET POSITION - (Continued)
                                                           LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS

                                                   (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING)

Program Revenues                                 2016               2015                 2014              2013              2012
Governmental activities:
                                                 $ 1,026,119 $          882,386       $  888,626        $  798,724        $    330,894
  Charges for services:                                     68,808       60,560          141,314           141,021             116,880
   Instruction:                                             10,466         1,007
     Regular                                                13,509         6,697            5,025               855                 568
     Special                                                                                9,339             8,847               7,812
     Other                                       188,906                183,095          217,724           257,276             243,287
   Support services:                              31,707                 24,205           43,048            35,663              35,307
     Pupil                                               -                                                                              -
     Instructional staff                                 -                      -                -                 -                    -
     Administration                                 9,640                       -                -                 -            11,608
     Business                                            -               10,052             3,960             9,646                 766
     Operations and maintenance                                                 -                -                 -
     Pupil transportation                                                                                                    1,285,541
    Operation of non-instructional services:     1,206,111          1,201,321            1,203,971         1,276,922              6,314
      Food service operations                         4,939              4,573                6,582             8,279
      Other non-instructional services                                                                                         896,877
   Extracurricular activities                      688,980            713,817              713,453           579,007
  Operating grants and contributions:
   Instruction:                                  1,972,255          2,093,950            1,838,264         1,763,997         1,719,629
     Regular                                     2,010,468          1,931,359            2,406,823           789,698           576,943
     Special                                                                                                  31,019            31,019
     Vocational                                     31,033             34,774               42,573            10,800            10,800
     Other                                          10,800             10,800               10,800
   Support services:                                                                                         705,350           688,718
     Pupil                                         815,137            673,613              820,753           278,238           316,312
     Instructional staff                            98,975             99,498               99,534           227,220           323,655
     Administration                                                                        173,782
     Business                                      181,611            168,967                                         -                 -
     Operations and maintenance                             -                  -                    -                 -         25,068
     Pupil transportation                                   -                                       -                 -
     Central                                                -          40,369                       -                 -                 -
    Operation of non-instructional services:                -                  -                    -                                   -
      Food service operations                                                  -                             231,386
      Other non-instructional services             226,392                                 186,608            11,061           207,699
   Extracurricular activities                       12,534            226,121                 4,443           42,312            10,602
  Capital grants and contributions:                 33,169               5,953              20,828                              45,651
   Instruction:                                                        39,188
   Support services:                                  8,445                46,474             36,645            25,566          35,181
     Fiscal                                                 -                      -                 -                 -                -
     Operations and maintenance                             -                      -                 -                 -                -
     Pupil transportation                                   -                      -                 -                 -                -
   Extracurricular activities                               -                      -                 -                 -                -
                                                    28,250                208,617         1,168,836         6,034,097                   -
Total governmental program revenues              8,678,254              8,667,396        10,042,931        13,266,984        6,927,131

Business-type activities:                        1,415,488          1,369,879            1,402,122         1,291,244         1,342,133
   Charges for services                          1,415,488          1,369,879            1,402,122         1,291,244         1,342,133

Total business-type activities program revenues  $ 10,093,742 $ 10,037,275 $ 11,445,053 $ 14,558,228 $                       8,269,264

Total primary government program revenue         $ (56,846,613) $ (55,276,146) $ (53,841,284) $ (54,213,314) $ (57,423,234)

Net (Expense)/Revenue                            48,952                 54,486           57,052            75,207            145,334
Governmental activities
Business-type activities                         $ (56,797,661) $ (55,221,660) $ (53,784,232) $ (54,138,107) $ (57,277,900)
Total primary government net expense

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