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                                                    SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO

                                              CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES, GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS
                                                                    LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS

                                                     (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING)

                                              2015           2014           2013             2012              2011

Revenues                                      $ 44,766,636 $ 47,389,754 $ 42,122,419 $       40,745,914     $  40,697,004
                                                                                                314,000           314,000
 From local sources:                          984,788        515,367        349,063             205,244           102,236
   Property taxes                                                                                        -          33,815
   Payments in lieu of taxes                  641,669        800,280        703,700             180,591           221,277
   Transportation fees                              --                            -           1,288,685         1,378,231
   Earnings on investments                                                                    1,086,564           911,328
   Charges for services                       38,680               57,818   51,472                                302,976
   Extracurricular                                                                              328,148           332,259
   Classroom materials and fees               1,203,390      1,206,450      1,279,995           396,017
   Other local revenues                                                                       1,156,822         1,260,719
   Intergovernmental - Intermediate           848,935        849,924        769,849          20,820,684        21,447,166
   Intergovernmental - State                                                                  2,253,792         3,752,699
   Intergovernmental - Federal                361,002        346,964        346,101                            70,753,710
Total revenues                                681,522        1,531,441      452,473                            29,920,213
Expenditures                                  1,335,218      1,307,311      1,278,479
   Current:                                   20,366,537     20,072,709     20,078,720                          1,394,094
      Regular                                 1,693,478      1,760,248      1,856,419                           4,744,635
      Special                                                                                                   5,205,729
      Vocational                              72,921,855     75,838,266     69,288,690
      Other                                                                                                         34,423
     Support services:                        27,131,221     27,194,680     26,755,411       26,547,675         4,178,672
      Pupil                                    8,943,676      8,615,372      6,406,501        6,186,526         1,482,001
      Instructional staff
      Board of education                         269,533        254,736        241,724          244,846           573,689
      Administration                           1,290,104      1,283,858      1,211,810        1,327,522         5,161,634
      Fiscal                                                                                                    3,484,103
      Business                                 4,567,464      4,706,665      4,908,661        5,026,641
      Operations and maintenance               1,988,037      1,846,576      4,319,163        4,773,005           464,868
      Pupil transportation
      Central                                      70,249         41,731         44,201           49,083        1,572,734
   Operation of non-instructional services:    3,868,836      4,020,237      4,259,944        4,215,459             51,019
      Food service operations                  1,206,874      1,619,261      2,023,839        1,488,408
      Other non-instructional services                                                                          1,314,292
   Extracurricular activities                    591,359        559,490        593,078          586,663                    -
   Pass through payments                       4,937,486      4,882,939      4,772,810        4,776,440
   Facilities acquisitions and construction    3,915,887      3,233,565      3,954,783        3,663,230         1,308,126
   Capital outlay                                                                                                          -
   Debt service:                                 453,604        525,875        499,551          426,422
      Principal retirement                                                                                      1,127,382
      Interest and fiscal charges              1,388,802      1,365,327      1,435,672        1,543,380         3,111,002
      Debt issue costs                             11,306         17,864         23,995           35,185
Total expenditures                             1,479,062      1,458,495      1,241,538        1,220,646        72,684,923
                                                          -              -              -                -
Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures                                                                   (1,931,213)
                                               3,367,929      2,312,691      1,002,774        1,011,533
Other Financing Sources (Uses)                            -              -     340,880                   -      1,229,317
   Transfers in                                1,495,843      3,425,296      3,306,932        1,910,778
   Transfers (out)                               770,613        816,437        847,026        2,362,798             61,291
   Proceeds from sale of assets                           -              -     302,738                            854,187
   Capital lease transaction                                                                             -
   Software license obligation transaction    67,747,885     68,181,095     68,493,031                                     -
   Premium on debt issuance                                                                  67,396,240                    -
   Sale of bonds                               5,173,970      7,657,171        795,659                                     -
   Payment to refunded debt escrow agent                                                      1,380,221                    -
   Issuance of certificates of participation                                                                               -
                                               1,645,000      1,006,000       1,006,000       1,326,000           915,478
Total other financing sources (uses)          (1,645,000)    (1,006,000)     (1,006,000)     (1,326,000)                   -
Special item                                      16,935           2,686          20,674         19,307
                                                          -     918,391                  -               -           6.02%
Net change in fund balances                               -                                              -
                                                          -              -      340,880                  -
Debt service as a percentage of noncapital                -              -        64,451                 -
expenditures                                              -              -               -               -
                                                          -              -                               -
Source: School District financial records.                               -  (21,474,661)
                                                                             18,725,000          19,307

                                              16,935         921,077        (2,323,656)         511,000

                                                    --                            -           1,910,528

                                              $ 5,190,905 $ 8,578,248 $ (1,527,997) $                       $

                                              3.52%                6.53%          6.13%            6.49%

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