Page 24 - McDowell Family Hanbook
P. 24

This automatically provides an extension of excused days absent for the
student, and credit will not be withheld on that basis. Dependent upon the
length of treatment, the student, when s/he returns, will resume his/her
previously scheduled classes. It would follow that, if treatment extends into the
second or next semester, the new schedule will be followed. If a student has
received an "incomplete" grade during hospitalization, appropriate time will be
given in order for the student to make up the work.

If, prior to hospitalization, the student had not maintained a passing average in
a quarter or semester course, advice of the counselor should be sought to
determine alternatives including enabling the child to participate in the course.
It is advisable that year-long credit courses be maintained for possible credit.
In addition, credit will be granted for course work completed satisfactorily at the
treatment center.

Guidance counselors will alert the teachers of the returning student to provide
good communication and unified approach in dealing with make-up work.

Prevention and Education
The District will take a comprehensive, progressive, age-appropriate approach
in the development of curricula and programs which promote positive life-skill
development, low-risk health and impairment choices and an awareness of the
consequences associated with alcohol and other drug use. The guidelines,
goals, and objectives for prevention and education development will be
consistent with the Ohio Department of Education recommendations.
Additionally, opportunities for continued alcohol and other drug use prevention
and intervention staff training and awareness training will be offered regularly
in order to enhance the consistent implementation and success of this policy.

The Hudson City Schools Student Assistance Program

The Hudson City Schools employs a Student Assistance Program Coordinator.
This position provides the District with assurance of policy development and
implementations as well as comprehensive program planning and services to
meet the concerns of students, staff, parents, and the community. The Student
Assistance Program Coordinator office will maintain confidential behavior
checklists, correspondence with counseling and treatment centers and
Extracurricular Incident Reports. None of these records will be a part of the
permanent academic record of the student. The Student Assistance Program
Coordinator reports directly to the Director of Pupil Services Services and is
responsible for Districtwide and community prevention, intervention and
awareness strategies and programming.

Student and Parent Notification
At the beginning of each school year, the student code of conduct is published
and reviewed with all students as a part of the orientation process. Compliance
with these standards is mandatory and requires published parent notification
each year in order to ensure parental support and compliance.
Adopted 8/1/09
Revised 1/4/10

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