Page 17 - JAF Local Catalog 2021
P. 17

Fun Fact                     If you’re only going to use half of a bell pepper, cut

                                 it in half the short way, and save the top half. The
                                 stem will keep it fresh longer.

            51330  |  ONION SWEET YELLOW  |  CS  |  40#
                                                                     44136  |  PEP GREEN LOCAL  |  CS  |  1-1/9BU

                                                                      49339 | PEP JALAPENO LOCAL | CS | 10#
               41369 | PEP LONG HOT LOCAL | CS | 15#

                                                                        41360  |  PEP MIXED  |  CS  |  20-25#

              8343  |  PEP POBLANO LOCAL  |  CS  |  BSHL

               41359  | PEP RED LOCAL   |  CS  |  20-25#                79865  |  RHUBARB LOCAL  |  CS  |  10#

                                                                                      LOCAL PRODUCE  | 17
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