Page 7 - How to Blend Crystal Energies Into your Daily Routine_
P. 7
Nicknamed the Hope Stone, this stone gets its real name from a
legend. Legend says that the Amazonian warrior princesses used
this crystal to line their shields. It has also been found in the
temples and tombs of the Egyptian king Tutankhamun.
Amazonite was used to create the tablets that formed the Book of
the Dead.
Good for treating:
● rheumatism
● calcium deficiencies
● osteoarthritis
● gout
● sexual disorders
● thyroid issues
● skin injuries (rash, blisters, acne, etc.)
● neurological disorders
● anxiety
● depression
People who should use this crystal:
● elderly people
● middle aged people
● expecting mothers
● young adults
● salespeople
● real estate agents
● public speakers