Page 10 - HJPP Your Impact Report September 2022
P. 10

H J P P   – Y OU R  IMPA C T

               LEARN &

               LOVE SPORT

                                                                                                                                                              1 2  HO URS

                                                                                                                                                         EN GA GEM EN T

               Through  a wide range of Maccabi Clubs                                                                                                        P ER  W EEK
               and     sports      offerings,       Jewish      School
               children are learning new sports and skills

               with friends in a safe and positive

               environment. Learning to love sport!
                                                                                                   8  SESSI ON S
                                                                                                     P ER  W EEK
               Sports offered
               AFL Football, Athletics,  Basketball, Cricket,  Futsal,

               Golf, Hockey, Netball, Soccer
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15