Page 3 - HJPP Your Impact Report September 2022
P. 3

H J P P   – Y OU R  IMPA C T

               RAISING THE BAR

               Through the Henry Jolson Pathways Program, Maccabi Victoria has
               been able to present inspiring coaching workshops which have
               facilitated significant improvement in our coaching resources across

               many of our clubs, including both our Senior and Junior AJAX AFL
               Clubs. The carefully tailored coaching programs Mark Williams put in
               place at AJAX will be a lasting legacy for both clubs as we move

               forward. Brian Swersky said, “Mark’s contribution to our 22 clubs and
               State roof body has been invaluable. Mark has been instrumental in
               the roll out of our Maccabi Schools program and the delivery of our

               Maccabi Player Leadership program. He has conducted numerous                                               “ INV A L U A BL E”
               coaching workshops, sharing his expertise and professional insight

               with many of our Clubs coaches, as well as the sports departments
               at some of our Jewish Schools. Mark has mentored and facilitated
               the appointment of Directors of Coaching at the Maccabi Athletics,

               Basketball, Netball and Cricket clubs. He has driven our hugely
               successful Charidy campaigns and has been actively engaged in
               many other areas of our organisation.
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